
Client Login

We Offer:

Edit Yourself
Easily modify your web site yourself using a Word-style interface.

Easy Upload
Upload your own images, documents, and more with our simple interface.

Fast Support
Being a small company means we get back to you with support in a timely fashion.

Random Project Highlight

Bruce Repei Design

Bruce Repei Design: Bruce Repei DesignBruce Repei lives and works in the Toronto area. Studied Fine Art, Drama and Business in university, later doing a Masters Program in Theatre Design at University of Calgary. Worked successfully over... [more]

Client Login

Web Design Packages

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We Offer:

Edit Yourself
Easily modify your web site yourself using a Word-style interface.

Easy Upload
Upload your own images, documents, and more with our simple interface.

Fast Support
Being a small company means we get back to you with support in a timely fashion.

Current/Recent Work

  • Andre Desjardins:
    Make Website for Wood Fired by AT
    Sydenham, Ontario
  • Southern Frontenac Community Services:
    Moving Away from Email Order System
    Sydenham, ON
  • Beckwith Contracting:
    New WordPress Website Installation, Set Up
    Sydenham, ON
  • Loughborough Christmas & Emergency Relief Committee:
    New Website
    Sydenham, ON
  • Al Way:
    Suduko Website
    Sydenham, Ontario
  • Southern Frontenac Community Services:
    Meal Services - Web Application
    Sydenham, ON
  • Canadian Biomaterials Society:
    Conference Application Tweaks and Changes
    Ottawa, ON

Web Application Development

Custom Web Design/Programming Solutions

Today, the effective web site is more than an expensive business card; rather, it is an integrated software application that works with your organization.

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterist, LinkedIn, YouTube, Amazon, Wikipedia, and Ask, are effective because they've skillfully combined social elements with a useful tool. CrookedBush.com Inc. can write applications that make use of these sites, and can help you build a site that is useful to your visitors.

Some examples:

  • Automatically post to Facebook, Twitter, SMS text messaging
  • Receive responses from SMS and send the user appropriate content based on their message
  • Pull data/albums/search results from sites like Facebook or Twitter and put them on your site automatically
  • Book clients from your web site, and send them email/Twitter/SMS reminders the day before
  • Create a special version of your site for the smart phone market
  • Allow conference registration, or manage organization membership online.
  • Put your industry database online and allow your sales force, your clients, or the world to access and search it

There are so many more ways we can make your site powerful and effective- contact us for a free consultation.

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